I currently work as research scientist at:

University of Extremadura, BADAJOZ (Spain)

I also belong to:

- Atmospheric Physic Group, University of Granada, GRANADA (Spain)

- Geophysics Centre of Évora, University of Évora, EVORA (Portugal)

Please feel free to contact me by e.mail: mananton(at)unex.es


Sixth Regional Brewer Calibration Center for Europe intercomparison

The 6th Regional Brewer Calibration Center for Europe (RBCC-E) intercomparison will be held at El Arenosillo Atmospheric Sounding Station of the "Instituto de Técnica Aeroespacial" (INTA) during the period July 5 to 15 2011. This will be a join execercise of the Dobson and Brewer calibration centers for Europe. The QASUME unit of the Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos / World Radiation Center (PMOD /WRC) will participate and provide a global UV reference spectrum for the ultraviolet measurements.
The campaign is scheduled in three main phases:
* Initial calibration to assess the current calibration of the instruments.
* Servicing, adjustments and maintenance works characterization test of the instruments.
* Final calibration. In this phase the ‘UV’ calibrations against the QASUME
Specific measurements for Brewer/Dobson comparison

Detailed information is available at the RBCC-E web page.