I currently work as research scientist at:

University of Extremadura, BADAJOZ (Spain)

I also belong to:

- Atmospheric Physic Group, University of Granada, GRANADA (Spain)

- Geophysics Centre of Évora, University of Évora, EVORA (Portugal)

Please feel free to contact me by e.mail: mananton(at)unex.es


e-Atlas of erythemally UV Climatology over Europe

The COST ACTION 726 - Long term changes and climatology of Ultraviolet radiation over Europe - has just presented the "Electronic Atlas" of UV Climatology over Europe. This atlas enables you to extract reconstructed erythemally weighted daily dose values for a certain location and a certain period. Data are available from 1.1.1958 to 31.8.2002 for longitudes from 25°E to 35°W and latitudes from 30°N to 80°N. These data are mean values over an area of 1°x 1°. It is possible to extract daily values, monthly sums and to calculate a simple annual statistics.

The atlas is free for non-comercial use, and it can be downloaded in the following web:
