I currently work as research scientist at:

University of Extremadura, BADAJOZ (Spain)

I also belong to:

- Atmospheric Physic Group, University of Granada, GRANADA (Spain)

- Geophysics Centre of Évora, University of Évora, EVORA (Portugal)

Please feel free to contact me by e.mail: mananton(at)unex.es


Report of the “El Arenosillo”/INTA-COST Calibration Campaign of UVER Radiometers

The El Arenosillo/INTA calibration and intercomparison campaign of UVER Broadband radiometers held in the observatory “El Arenosillo” (Spain) from 15 August to 21 September 2007. This event was part of the COST Action 726 Working Group 4 activities. The main procedures and results of this campaign have been published in the following report:

COST Action 726 - Report of the “El Arenosillo”/INTA-COST Calibration and Intercomparison Campaign of UVER Broadband Radiometers
ISBN: 978-84-692-2640-7

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