I currently work as research scientist at:

University of Extremadura, BADAJOZ (Spain)

I also belong to:

- Atmospheric Physic Group, University of Granada, GRANADA (Spain)

- Geophysics Centre of Évora, University of Évora, EVORA (Portugal)

Please feel free to contact me by e.mail: mananton(at)unex.es


Ozone Monitoring Instrument

The OMI satellite instrument is a contribution of the Netherlands's Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR) in collaboration with the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), and it is onboard NASA EOS/Aura platform launched in July 2004. This remote sensing UV spectrometer continues currently with the measurements recorded by the NASA Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instrument which was operative on board of two satellites: Nimbus-7 (1978-1993) and Earth Probe (EP) (1996-2005).

The total ozone column over many locations (in Spain: Badajoz, El Arenosillo, Madrid and Valencia ) can be obtained in the following ftp site:
